onsdag den 5. december 2007

The battle against (or with) Apple Iphone

Whether the Iphone really is the ulltimate gadget I don't know yet. But I can't wait to find out.

So as mentioned before I ordered an Iphone, and basicly it's an expensive Ipod touch.

The issue is that Apple tries REALLY hard to lock the phones, so only one provider can sell them. On the other side of the arena is "the dev team" a group of gifted "hackers" trying to reverse apples work.

Rumor has it, that Apple's made a sweet deal and making a profit at around 20% of the subsription deals. I have no source for this.

At the moment I iPhones are shipping with a firmware called 1.1.2 OOB (Out of the box) and a boot loader version 4.6. I have done a lot of browsing, and at the moment, there is NO software unlock for this software. This is also why I'm refering to the Iphone as an expensive ipod touch..

However It can be unlocked by a "Turbo Sim" Check this thread for more information: Hackint0sh

As far as I know the "dev team" is working hard to find a way to soft unlock the Iphone, but no one really knows har far out in the future this will happen.

On a more interesting development is reversing the Apple unlock procedure. In both France and germany it is possible (against a fee) to unlock the iPhone be sending the IMEI to Apple, It will then be unlocked through iTunes. Alot of hackers are hoping to reverse this and use it for "the greater good..."

Hopefully mine will be arriving within a week...

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