torsdag den 1. november 2007

Training wed 31st of October.

Some basic positioning. What are the positions and transitions between them.

One simple guardpass, where you break the guard with an elbow:

Step 1: Don't get subbed, stay low and control the arms of your opponent.
step 2 Still don't get subbed. Sit up straight and establish a good base
step 3 While holding base open the guard by forcing your elbow to the thigh of your opponent
step 4 step over the thigh with your "near" leg. control the hip and upper body of your opponent with your arms. And pass.
step 5 upon passing your back to the "offensive-funnel" Main priority is not getting reversed to beeing in the guard.
Step 6 securing sidemount.

Some Kimura drillig and finally a scissors sweep.

And loads of sparring...

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