lørdag den 3. november 2007

Segmentation of grappling priorities

Oh well here are some thoughts I have been puzzling with over some time. I have tried to narrow down my priorities when sparring. Using a funnel "method".

The background is seeing how beginners prioritize, and just rushing for the win, going all out a any how ever small opening for a submission.

This is how I try to do it.

It's kind of the old discussion about which came first; the chicken or the egg. Which is more important winning or NOT loosing ?

First up, if your in a mainly defensive position like mounted or in guard

Main priority is NOT getting submitted.
Second I want to secure my position and if possible improve my position by passing to an offensive position

Second if your in an offensive position like having guard, in side mount or full mount.

Main priority is securing my position and NOT getting reversed or passed
Second priority is setting up the submission and executing.

A third alternative i passing to establish a more offensive position or a more favored position. But this is basically starting from the top again.

This is not rocket science but a nice tool when teaching, to keep a purpose to all drills.

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