onsdag den 30. december 2009

How to: auto add media to your itunes library...

well not entirely auto add. But pretty close.

I add a lot of music to my library, say from CD's I rip through mediaplayer...

Any ways, I add all music to my "music library". Normally you can just drag the folder to itunes. But as the volume increases so does the time it takes to scan the library.

I tried creating new folders as I ripped the music. But this becomes insanely un-organized.

So this week i discovered the "Automatically Add to iTunes". supposedly it's been there since version 9. But it's new to me. What it does is quite simple. When iTunes is open. It adds the media in the library. And moves the files / folders. Except for any media iTunes cant add.

The location of this folder can be customized as you choose   [ edit - settings - advanced - location of media library] I'm not on an English itunes, so it might be something slightly different...

Please remember that itunes stores the new folders in the samme folder as "auto add to.."

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